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What is a “slip and fall” injury?
Accident Cases
A “slip and fall” or “trip and fall” is the generic term for an injury which occurs when someone slips, trips or falls as a result of a dangerous or hazardous condition on someone else’s property. It includes falls as a result of water, ice or snow, as well as abrupt changes in flooring, poor lighting, or a hidden hazard, such as a gap or hard to see hole in the ground.
What is a dangerous or hazardous condition?
Accident Cases
Property owners are responsible for injuries that occur as a result of a dangerous or hazardous condition on their property, which the owner knew about, or should have known about. The hazard may be obvious (such as a broken stair) or hidden (like a hole in a lawn that is partially covered by grass). In some instances it may not be apparent, as in flooring which appears normal, but is slippery. It could be permanent, like broken concrete with a change in elevation, or temporary, like a liquid spill in a supermarket aisle.
What should I do after a car accident?
Accident Cases
Call 911 for police and medical help. When everyone is out of danger, gather and write down as much information about the accident as you can:
(1) Names, driver’s license numbers, contact information (at least home address and phone number) and insurance information for all drivers.
(2) Whether any of the drivers appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the effects you observed (such as slurred speech) and any witnesses to those effects. Witnesses are important because after any substances wear off, it will be your word against the driver’s.
(3) Names and contact information for all passengers, all pedestrians, and all witnesses, for example, the storekeeper who saw the whole accident from across the street.
(4) Any and all statements you hear about the cause or consequences of the accident. Did anyone say “I’m not hurt?” Did anyone take responsibility for the accident, even partially, by saying “I wasn’t looking either,” “I was distracted,” “I wasn’t wearing my glasses,” “I spilled my coffee,” etc.
(5) Location, date, and time of the accident.
(6) A detailed description of the accident, including which direction the vehicles were going before the accident, the weather and related conditions (fog, rain, night, ice), what happened, any injuries, what was damaged, and what the police did, especially if they issued tickets or gave a sobriety test. Drawing a diagram can help clarify what happened.
(7) Any problems with vehicles not caused by the accident, such as bald tires or a burned out headlight.
(8) Contact information for police at the scene.
Gather as much information for the claims investigation as possible. As time passes, memories tend to fade. When you are questioned later, you’ll be glad you wrote down the details at the scene.
What if I see a car accident?
Accident Cases
If you witness a car accident and there is an injury, immediately call 911. Make victims as comfortable as possible, but do NOT move them. Moving an injured person can turn a minor injury into a serious one. Give your name to the police and to the parties involved in the accident. Make notes about what you personally saw. You may be called on to reconstruct the accident later; for example, by giving a recorded statement to an insurance company. In most circumstances, being a witness will not take much time and your information helps make the roads safer for everyone.
Is a business required to provide health, life and other insurance coverage for its employees?
Insurance Cases/Business cases
While many employers provide health insurance and other employee benefits for workers, the law generally does not require a business to do so. California has specific state required health insurance regulations. Most businesses provide these and other benefits to attract and retain good employees and as an additional form of compensation. However, employers generally must carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover workplace injuries and illnesses.
What is a business?
Corporations Cases
A business is an activity performed for profit. The difference between carrying on a business and a hobby is that a business has an expectation of profit, is run in a systematic, continuous and regular businesslike manner, and has ordinary commercial principles governing it (such as business and accounting records).
Do I need any licenses or permits to conduct business?
Corporations Cases
Whether you need a license or permit depends upon the type of business you engage in, the location of your business, and federal, state, county, city, and local rules and ordinances.

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